Promods 2.46 released
Mod can be downloaded from
ETS2 11 Maps Combo for 1.37 (Setup Video Guide)
Better late than never! I finally combined first pack of maps fro ETS2 1.37 Initially I was waiting for the Promods adaptation for new patch and played small obvious combos But Promods 2.6 for 1.37 for this day (17.05.2020) is still expecting Also the South Region 8 is still in beta but works well and looks amazing after refresh and rescale The most Road Connections are updated for this time so it is possible to combine 11 maps Unfortunately Brazilian EAA for 1.37 map is still not compatible and need a fix Also I excluded Caucasus Mod which connects YKSRSK and Great Steppe so we cannot travel from Azerbaijan to Kazakhstan Before we start the combo setup please note that you should have all map DLCs and version of game have to be 1.37
EAA Map 5.4.1 for 1.37 is out
Map can be downloaded on EAA channel
Rusmap 2.1 for 1.37 released
Amazing map of Russia for ETS2 1.37 just released with major updates including rescale of some territories:
Ready for 1.37
New city Polotsk
New prefabs, models and companies
Fixed bugs from previous version
Partial rescale, transposed Volgograd, Saratov and Engels cities
Updated railway crossings
Moved outdated roadworks
Updated old roads
Expanded Belarus
many other updates
Links for the map (files must be placed in one folder and unpack – just launch the first one):
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Please keep original authors links if you share
Credits: aldim@tor, Sergey061, schura774
6 Years TruckersMP
We still have no official Multi Player from SCS and have to play the third party one but Truckers MP is doing very good and recently celebrated its 6 years anniversary. Huge community around TMP is always impress.
Please note that currently TMP doesn’t support latest 1.37 patch neither for ETS2 nor for ATS so you need to downgrade your version on Steam to play with friends.
Roextended 2.6 Released
Beautiful Romania Extended map expansion for ETS2 1.37 released today. Please note that 2.6 is Premium version and if you want a free version you have to choose 2.3 DLC.
New add-ons:
Targu Jiu (RO-updated), Buzau (RO-updated), Focsani (RO-new), Bechet (RO-new), Mariupol (UA-new), Berdyansk (UA-new), Chisinau (MD-new)
Donetsk to Melitopol
Focsani to Galati, to Buzau, to Brasov
Craiova(RO) to Oriahovo(BUL)
-small ferry over Danube (RO-BUL) at Bechet
-sounds adapted to FMOD
-new FH16 interior
-new ScaniaR/S and FH skins