207 views Premiered 21 hours ago10 minutes guide to open full map with all DLCs including latest Texas. You can choose – just download ready profile (exact from the video) or create one yourself. Or even modify your existing profile. Please be careful and make a backup of your game profiles before starting
Profile with 100% opened roads for ATS 1.46 with Texas https://sharemods.com/ss85o17bksm4/7472636B73696D2D6A616E3233.zip.html
Text Source File with 100% discovered sectors https://sharemods.com/fo5b1ktxc6uy/ats_full_save_trucksim_january23.txt.html
Tools TS SE https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?p=1060834
Sublime Text 3 https://www.sublimetext.com/