100% Discovered Maps for ATS and ETS2 1.53 * Both Games Sources (before Greece DLC)
Sources for ywo games bum without Greece. It includes also California part in new game version. For soure with new Greece DLC please watch this video. Here are discovered strings that you have to put in your profile. If you do not know how to modify the profile please any older guides. Files compatible with all DLCs excluding new Greece DLC and actual to January 2025

Discovered items for ATS 1.53 https://sharemods.com/unarwal5qt4z/trucksim-ats-153-full.txt.html
Discovered items for ETS2 1.53 (without Greece DLC) https://sharemods.com/pj2iqilyfk29/trucksim-ets2-153-full.txt.html
Discovered items for ETS2 1.53 (with Greece DLC) https://sharemods.com/le4g91swcadh/trucksim-ets2-full-save153.zip.html
More news on Telegram https://t.me/trcksm
How to open 100% map in ATS 1.46 (Full Map Discovered, Guide and files)
To open full map with all DLCs you have choose two ways – just download ready profile (exact from the video) or create one yourself. Or even modify your existing profile. Please be careful and make a backup of your game profiles before starting
Profile with 100% opened roads for ATS 1.46 https://sharemods.com/ai65nmekbody/747275636B73696D313436.zip.html
Text Source File with 100% discovered sectors https://sharemods.com/osgfgqmkju4m/ats_full_save_trucksim.txt.html
TS SE https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?p=1060834
Sublime Text 3 https://www.sublimetext.com/
Mod to show undiscovered sectors https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1181611184