Roextended 2.7 released
Whats new:
-new Romania route from Oradea outskirts to Deva, and from Sebes to Brasov.
-Brad and Sibiu – new cities
-garage in Hunedoara
-pedestrian crossing, AI stoping to let them pass
-changed vegetation, roads, intersections, sidewalks in 90% of the map (except newer parts)
-custom semaphore profiles for Moldova and Ukraine (not generic ones)
-2 types of police cars and one army car (active in traffic)
-changed look on 90% of the cities
-Odesa and Muchacevo rebuilted.
-Kiev partialy modernized
-new navigation signs in 90% of the map – bilingual signs
-city limits bilingual signs.
-animated gates for some companies, Chernobyl/Pripyat pass or border.
-double check border points in all borders (even RC ones)
Roextended 2.6 Released
Beautiful Romania Extended map expansion for ETS2 1.37 released today. Please note that 2.6 is Premium version and if you want a free version you have to choose 2.3 DLC.
New add-ons:
Targu Jiu (RO-updated), Buzau (RO-updated), Focsani (RO-new), Bechet (RO-new), Mariupol (UA-new), Berdyansk (UA-new), Chisinau (MD-new)
Donetsk to Melitopol
Focsani to Galati, to Buzau, to Brasov
Craiova(RO) to Oriahovo(BUL)
-small ferry over Danube (RO-BUL) at Bechet
-sounds adapted to FMOD
-new FH16 interior
-new ScaniaR/S and FH skins
RoExtended 2.6 for 1.37 soon
Roex map for ETS2 will be updated soon to be compatible with 1.37 patch and reveal new territories as well. Current version ROEX 2.5 is still working on new patch actually. Please find below new areas in the 2.6:
-rebuilted Chisinau (big city)
-link between Craiova(RO) and Oriahovo(BUL) with small Danube ferry passing at Bechet
-Bechet companies
-updated Buzau city, open and extended, still active (garage and companies) and used as turning point not just scenery
-Focsani city and mountain road link towards Brasov area + new link towards Galati
-updated Targu Jiu
-other updates of old parts of the map
Let me remind that RoExtended distributed in two versions: Free and Premium, and can be found here
I would like to recommend you to apply to Premium membership (and get upcoming updates for free) instead of buying one single version.